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Kaja Narum appointed as Senior Vice President Global Service Lines

We are pleased to welcome Kaja Narum as Senior Vice President Global Service Lines at Orange Cyberdefense

Kaja will be responsible for Orange Cyberdefense’s managed security services offering globally, and will lead a team of product managers for the various services in our portfolio.

Kaja is well-known in the cyber security industry and has extensive experience in leadership roles, most recently as Security Services Leader Northern Europe at IBM. She takes up her position at Orange Cyberedefense today, 1st November and will be based in Stockholm, Sweden.


"I am delighted to join Orange Cyberdefense and drive the development of managed security services that will benefit organisations across our footprint. There is enormous growth potential in Europe and globally, and we have exciting months and years ahead of us. I look forward to working closely with our talented team and our partners to further strengthen Orange Cyberdefense's position in Sweden, Europe and globally. Taking over as SVP Global Services Lines is an exciting opportunity, and I am eager to develop the portfolio further to help our customers meet current and future cyber threats," says Kaja Narum

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