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Industrial Information & Event Management

Industrial Information & Event Management

In order to discover and prevent undesired communication connections, a control of the communication is necessary. Port-based firewall solutions are no longer up to date in modern IT infrastructures. Network protocols such as STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) manage to bypass port-based firewalls almost at will. But modern Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) bring you the required security back into your company and also support common ICS protocols such as Modbus, OPC or IPPC. This enables you to control and limit communication in relation to the application.

In the event of a malfunction in your production line, it is important to find the source of the problem quickly. If an attacker has gained access to your system, the data flow within the network segment will change. With continuous data flow monitoring, you can identify deviations from the normal state quickly and reliably. In this way, you can react quickly and take action as soon as the problem arises. With a corresponding visualization of the determined parameters you are always in the picture. In-depth analyzes of the data traffic quickly provide clear indicators of what happened when, our experts identify the cause and type of the attack and thus ensure that all this information can be used to further optimize the protective measures.

Discover Industrial Security

Your advantage

We create a communication matrix for your application and thus ensure that undesired communication can be recognized and blocked without disrupting the operating process.
we support you in setting up data flow monitoring in order to identify deviations before damage can occur.

Security 4.0 for industry

The wave of digitization is unstoppable. Just as robotics once found its way into production, an industry without networked IT is already unthinkable. Medium-sized companies have also long been online and at least since 3D printers for small series production have made the leap into the professional field, one thing is clear: Industry 4.0 has long since begun in many places.

Anyone who now ensures that security does not stop at 3.5 has a real competitive advantage. This advantage is half yours if you find out more now.

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.