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Katrine Krogedal

Team Lead Security Strategy - Norway

I’m leading one of our GRC-teams in Norway. My Team helps clients to define and implement a risk-based approach and strategy for security. 

How we should build a safer digital society?

My team and I are building a safer digital society by helping our clients to protect their key assets. This includes conducting risk assessments and implementing security controls to mitigate risk.  

What #NoBiasInCyber means to me:

For me, it means that we need diversity in all its forms to be able to realize our mission. We need to work together and combine all our individual strengths to keep up with the ever-changing cyberthreat landscape.  

Incident Response Hotline

Står du overfor en cyberhendelse akkurat nå?


Kontakt vår globale 24/7/365 tjeneste incident response hotline.