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Kara Underwood

Kara Underwood

Project Management Team Lead - UK

My role is to successfully deliver an array of different client projects, from hardware installations, deploying new solutions to audit reviews and remedial actions. In addition, I am also supporting and coaching all UK Project Managers and assisting on the constant growth and development of the UK PMO.

How we should build a safer digital society?

By working with a variety of different clients on delivering projects that help them to improve, mature and enhance their environment and bring us all closer to a safer digital society.

What #NoBiasInCyber means to me:

To offer everyone without prejudice the same support, opportunities and rewards throughout all areas of the cyber world. 

Incident Response Hotline

Står du overfor en cyberhendelse akkurat nå?


Kontakt vår globale 24/7/365 tjeneste incident response hotline.