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SensePost @44Con - Join us!

Until recently, there was a distinct lack of decent, high-quality technical security conferences held in the United Kingdom. Home to the Global Financial Centre, London, there isn’t a shortage of industries who require secure applications and rely on secure infrastructure and applications to operate.

With this in mind, 44Con is the first combined information security conference and training event held in Central London. The con will provide business and technical tracks, aimed at government, public sector, financial, security professionals and Chief Security Officers.

SensePost will be attending the conference, with Ian de Villiers giving a ground-breaking talk on intercepting and modifying the protocol used by SAP GUI, including the release of a tool that facilitates assessments of said protocol.  In addition, Ian and Daniel Cuthbert will be delivering a training course aimed at educating developers, and those involved in the deployments and life-cycle of applications, on the correct approaches required to protect applications from common threats.

Unlike other developer-centric courses, developers will actively be involved in breaking into their fellow students applications, whilst they try and prevent the attacks from taking place.

44Con will be held at the Grange City Hotel in London on the 30th August until the 2nd September.

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