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Intrusion Detection

There is a whisper in the network

The good news: Many attacks can be detected today. The bad: On average, it still takes around 165 days for a company (mostly from external sources) to become aware of an attack. This is fatal, because during this time the attackers have a great deal of opportunity to steal innovations, encrypt files or simply disrupt business processes.

Time to strike back!

Attackers always leave traces on the network. Those who quickly recognize these irregularities and interpret them intelligently can prevent access long before damage occurs. Intelligence is the key word: modern intrusion detection systems (IDS) rely on AI and machine learning to immediately detect deviations that indicate an ongoing attack.


  • Detection of anomalies and attack behavior in the network in real time and automated blocking
  • Integration of the IDS solution into the existing IT security environment
  • Smooth integration into existing architecture and processes
  • Compliance with legal requirements and industry standards
  • Prevents loss of expertise and other damage caused by hacking attacks
  • Prevention of image damage and loss of customer relationships

Our technology partner

  • Vectra

Catch intruders immediately

It doesn’t have to be an acrobatic balancing act to keep the balance between safety and ease of use. Use our solutions to ensure that a safety net is always available. Then you and your colleagues are well protected from unpleasant surprises.

The answer to the exciting question of which solutions can better protect your network is just a click of the mouse and a conversation with our experts away!

Time to protect your network – the smart way:

Incident Response Hotline

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