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Masja Kinsbergen

Masja Kinsbergen

Talent Manager - Belgium

I'm in charge of learning & development, internal communication and internal events within Orange Cyberdefense Belgium.

How we should build a safer digital society?

By investing in the skills and competences of our employees and supporting our departments with this, we make sure they can support and protect our customers even better. I'm also very fond of teaching people outside of the company (mainly children) about how they can protect themselves online. A safe digital society is in everyones interest.

What #NoBiasInCyber means to me:

Since we spend a lot of our time online, cybersecurity is extremely important for everyone. No matter what your background, gender or age is, we are all faced with the challenges the modern online society poses. For cybercriminals everyone is a possible target, so our focus should be on empowering everyone to be cybersafe. And to achieve this, we need all the help we can get, without any bias.


Incident Response Hotline

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