7 July 2023
Michelle Skjødt-Davis, Service Delivery Manager
If you ask Camilla Møller what she enjoys the most about her job as Internal IT Workspace Supporter at Orange Cyberdefense, the answer is: "Variation." Camilla thrives with a flow of small and medium-sized tasks. In Orange Cyberdefense, she has found a framework that gives her the freedom to display her great talent for systematic problem solving, which is important to her – partly because she has an ADHD diagnosis.
Orange Cyberdefense is growing at an excessive speed, and every time a new employee needs to be onboarded, an efficient global team of IT supporters is ready to assist HR. One of them is Camilla Møller, who is based in Denmark but is part of Orange Cyberdefense Group’s international team. She started as a trainee in 2022, but a few months into working for the organization, she was employed in a permanent position.
She herself considers it a stroke of luck that she landed the job as Internal IT Workspace Supporter. It is a job that suits her very well, including but not limited to the fact that she is particularly happy to work with organization, for which her work function provides ample opportunity. Camilla herself describes her workday as varied since the global support team receives many kinds of questions and inquiries within a day. They are all created as tickets in their ticketing system. Since it is impossible to predict how many tickets will arrive during the day, what they are about, and when they will arrive, Camilla's working day typically starts with her creating an overview of the various tickets with the questions she must answer and the problems she must help solve for her colleagues around the world. As the day progresses, she gets the inquiries answered and when the problems are resolved, she can put two lines under the task and, with a clear conscience, move on to deal with the next inquiries that come in.
Camilla is a girl with speed. She is always busy with several different things and juggles several tasks at once. At the same time as she attends to her work of supporting her colleagues and solving all the IT-related issues they come up with, she is also in the process of building a knowledge database for both users and supporters of the internal IT systems. It is a challenge that takes a lot of time and focus, but she has thrown herself into the task with great commitment since it also gives her a lot of knowledge that she can use to support her colleagues with.
"In Internal IT, we assist colleagues across the entirety of Orange Cyberdefense – and they can sit anywhere in the world. The large scope means that, at times, I can certainly feel we’re an international company that spreads over vastly different parts of the world with very different work cultures. The British are more polite than others, the Swedes are more about following the rules, and so on. I must adapt to that to give everyone a good service and it's something I'm very conscious of. Sometimes, it can be a challenge, but the more I gain experience, the more I gradually feel that I have become quite good at navigating it as I’m present in my work and I focus on giving everyone who approaches with various issue – which they need my help to solve – a good experience", explains Camilla.
Camilla feels very secure in her own team. There is an open and equal culture where it is ok to discuss mistakes, so that constructive work can be done to avoid those same mistakes from happening again. It suits Camilla's temperament and straightforward manner well. What you see is what you get, and Camilla likes that.
"I've been really lucky with the team I've landed in. Even as a trainee I was treated on an equal footing with more experienced colleagues. I don't want any special treatment because I'm new or because I'm a woman. But I need to feel supported, otherwise I might start to think a little too much about things and that's a waste of good energy. Great trust in the team means that I can steer clear of that kind of thing and instead use my energy on the tasks themselves. Trust and spaciousness make me efficient—it's as simple as that," says Camilla.
Where some choose to spend time planning their career – e.g. in relation to further education or strategic job hunting – Camilla is more focused on being happy with her job here and now. Or as she herself says: "Go with the flow – I take one day at a time without worrying too much." But having said that, it should be added that she has a great appetite for new knowledge. It is very important for her to constantly improve her skills and update the knowledge base of the systems and software solutions her team work in – e.g. Atlassian and Microsoft – which her colleagues turn to when they encounter challenges and problems. And one of the ways in which she acquires new skills is, for example, by getting certified.
"I feel support to grow at my work. For me, it’s a good environment to develop in. I experienced that both when I initially started, and now that I have gained more experience. I don't know where I'll be in five years career wise. It's not a question I feel the need to have the answer to right now. It could very well be that I'm still with Orange Cyberdefense. Why change that if I'm happy?" says Camilla.
Although Camilla has more male than female colleagues, gender diversity is not something she is particularly concerned about. To her, it’s more important that she can work with a variety of people in terms of personality, which is what makes the cybersecurity industry a good choice for her. When she started out working in the field, she worried that it would take more effort to gain the respect of her colleagues due to her being a woman. But it wasn't like that – quite the contrary, she emphasizes.
"When someone ask the question: how do we get more women interested in cybersecurity, there's one thing in particular that saddens me, and that is, that many women won’t even apply to anything within this field because they think it’ll be too difficult for them. That’s completely wrong, and it’s a message I’d like to spread whenever possible. I'm an example that it can be done regardless of how much you know at the beginning," says Camilla.
For the women who are considering entering the cybersecurity industry, Camilla has good advice: Make sure you have a special competence and flaunt it so that it is quite clear what you are interested in and good at. You don't have to be an expert, but it’ll look good on your job application. She herself has taken a Linux course. This did not make her an expert within the field, but it showed that she had a genuine interest in IT. Shorter online courses can also be used to open the right doors.
"It's not enough to write "I'm good at graphics", because many do; but if you've taken a course in programming, for example, it’ll come across completely different because of how much more weigh there is to it within IT. My sister works with user interface design (UX), and when she added the programming course she took onto her application, she suddenly felt a shift in the attention she got. There is a good signal in that. That’s definitely a piece of advice I'd like to pass on," says Camilla.
7 July 2023
Michelle Skjødt-Davis, Service Delivery Manager
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Astrid Grossert, Account Manager
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Bettina Nyberg, Director of People and Professional Services
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Pernille Kokholm, Inside Sales
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Sanne Aagaard, Marketing Manager
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Bettina Møller, Accounting Manager
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Karen Riesgaard Nøhr, Marketing Coordinator