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Security Navigator 2021

We have published our annual report, the Security Navigator, which examines the evolution and changes in cyber threats. This 2021 edition provides a unique and comprehensive view of the cybersecurity ecosystem during the health crisis which has hit all countries and companies. Never before has it been more important to emerge from a mode of crisis and reactivity to take back control of one’s cybersecurity journey and build a safer digital society.

Insights include:

  • 100% first-hand information from our 17 global SOCs & CyberSOCs of Orange Cyberdefense, the Epidemiology Labs & World Watch

  • Invaluable insights into the threat landscape and beyond

  • Expert reports and technology reviews on topics; including videoconferencing solutions and the cybercrime ecosystem

  • Various attack patterns and statistics for your business size and vertical

  • An examination of what we consider some of the core disruption factors of 2020 and how they could project into the future

To compliment the launch of our Annual Report, we hosted a webinar to bring you the latest developments in cyber threats, where our threat experts dive into key cybersecurity findings in more detail here.

Download the report now:

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