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Executive Navigator 2023

Find advisory in this paper, backed by research findings

Three insights for the CFO: 

  • Why to support holistic risk management
  • How to reduce real risks, not theoretical ones
  • Aligning the strategic environment with the security need

Three topics CIOs should be aware of: 

  • Why it is vital to understand your vulnerabilities
  • How to prepare to deal with new threats
  • Managing the skill shortage

Three strategic angles on maintaining trust and securing business for CEOs:

  • It's necessary to be prepared: Cybercriminals steal money and trust
  • Why getting a clear view of how your security stacks up is key
  • How being aware of fallout from geopolitical events helps to reduce risk

Getting the most for your budget through knowledge

The question for today’s C-suite is no longer whether or not to invest in cybersecurity, but how to ensure the best return on investment for their security spending and ensure that it is strategically aligned with business goals.

To help you navigate the security landscape, we’ve curated key findings from the Security Navigator 2023 that are relevant for strategic decision-making, and connected them to the scope of some essential board members commonly found in the management of larger organizations. 

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