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Red team services

Red team exercises accurately simulate real-world

Put your security to the ultimate test. Significantly more sophisticated than a standard penetration test, our Red Team Exercises accurately simulate advanced, covert, multi-phase attacks in the real-world.

Embodying the mindset and methodology of real hackers, SensePost will use any and all means necessary to compromise your organisation – including physical breaches, Wi-Fi signal manipulation and social engineering. Our renowned ethical hackers will realistically test your organisation’s ability to detect and respond to an attack in progress, as well as benchmark the damage that could have been caused. Afterwards, SensePost will provide a detailed report, breaking down the attack strategies used, their success, and how to mitigate against them effectively.

Key benefits

  • Reduce risk of attack: Mimicking real hacker behaviours provides greater visibility into your organisations weakness.

  • Verify your security controls: Tests are conducted against infrastructure and employees revealing the organisation’s ability to detect and respond to attacks.

  • Prioritise your risks: Understanding what the most critical security issues are helps you to prioritise and focus remediation efforts.

  • Tailored approach: Our ethical hackers simulate cybercriminals, identifying security issues beyond the capability of automated tools or standard penetration tests.

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