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Orange Cyberdefense circuit board

ICS Malware Cleaner

Protect your Industrial Control Systems against infected USB devices

USBs: a key vector of cyber-attacks in industrial environments

USB devices are often used to update Industrial Control Systems and therefore are a common way to introduce malware into Operational Technology
(OT) systems.

Key usages of USBs
  • Transfers of configuration files to isolated production cells
  • Updates of SCADA, DCS, BMS and CTM software
  • Updates of PLC programs, firmware controllers and Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
  • Production data collection

By detecting, isolating and deleting malicious programs, ICS Malware Cleaner protects your organization from:

  • Data modifications
  • Data destruction or theft
  • Production stoppages
  • Industrial process disruptions
  • Availability loss

Added benefits of Malware Cleaner: more than a basic decontamination solution


  • Easy integration with threat detection and SIEM platforms including Journald, Rsyslog, Qradar…
  • Real-time information: number of analysis, infected files or attacks


  • Adaptation to your security policy
  • Customization of terminal branding
  • Nomad version available on a USB stick


  • Fosters end-user security posture in practice
  • Videos displayed on the Malware Cleaner screen promote cyber awareness

Malware Cleaner key features

  • Extensive malware detection
    A combination of 8 market-leading antivirus softwares
  • Remote analysis
    Remotely analyze suspected files
  • In-depth analysis
    Analysis of folders and files including FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, UFS and exFAT
    Image scan including iso, qcow2, vdi, vmdk, vhd, ova
    Encrypted file support including zip, rar, Luks, Bitlocker
  • Mobile device analysis
    Scan Android smartphones for malware
  • Safe data extraction
    Save data from an infected device to a secure workstation
  • Workstation protection
    Workstation protected by local agent does not accept any usb device that has not been analysed by Malware Cleaner

Next steps

If you are interested in getting one or more Malware Cleaners set up in your facilities, or if you have any questions regarding our offerings and services related to operational technology, industrial security or the IoT: please do not hesitate to ask! We are there to guide you on your next steps towards a security standard that is ahead of your competitors.

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