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Orange Cyberdefense People responding to cyber threats

Managed Threat Response [isolation]

The challenge

The response time for 50% of the detected security incidents is 24 hours or more.
68% of security incidents are due to malware.
87% of companies had to respond to at least one incident in the past year.

Sources: The 2017 SANS Incident Response Survey

Detecting attacks is one thing, reacting to them is another. Many companies are confronted with the situation that although they have taken measures to detect security incidents, they do not have the human resources available to react to appropriate alarms in a timely manner and to initiate measures to contain the incident. For example, in the case of an attack by ransomware, this can mean that it can continue to spread unhindered and large amounts of data are lost even though the attack was actually detected by appropriate sensors.

The solution: Managed Threat Response [isolation]

Our Rapid Endpoint Quarantine service is an extension of our Managed Threat Detection Services. If a security incident is detected and confirmed, we take over the initial measures for predefined detection scenarios and isolate the affected system in order to keep the effects of the incident as low as possible and to protect your company from damage.

Scope of services:

  • Quarantine affected endpoints
  • Notification of the client about the quarities carried out

Find the right answer

We respond to threats with expert knowledge, high-quality tools and efficient processes. An incident retainer is your option to have a solid backup in case trouble strikes, available 24/7 and ready to manage cyber crisis with maximum speed and efficiency. Get in touch with us now to see which Managed Threat Response options are the most suitable for you!

Incident Response Hotline

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Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.