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World Webcast 2021


Fighting cyber-insecurity: The power of community in a contagious reality

Tuesday 9th November 2021

There is no doubt that today all businesses including security providers (services and products) like us, are a prime target. We are as much concerned as our customers about the evolving sophisticated techniques which threat actors continuously develop to hack systems and steal or leak data.

In the spirit of community, we want to work together with our partners, customers and industry peers to address the problem synergically. At Orange Cyberdefense we are committed not just in helping our clients individually, but building a safer digital society.

Join to learn about the latest threat, tech & innovation and geopolitical trends that are shaping the current cybersecurity landscape and affecting board decisions.

Take active part during the live panels with our in-house experts to share your views and challenges in securing your organisation.

The event is catered for Orange Cyberdefense customers and prospects as well as cybersecurity experts and end-users globally. Leading IT Security individuals including CISOs, CTOs, IT Security/Network Managers, Compliance/Risk Managers and IT Directors.

Watch on demand All about community

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