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Flexible Applications Access

Your office can be anywhere!

Secure remote connection through Flexible Applications Access

  • Work remotely, from home or while traveling, securely and simply.
  • Keep working in case of a crisis, encountering travel restrictions, train strikes, natural desasters, etc.
  • Collaborate with partners, allowing them safe access to the resources they require for remote maintenance or application development.

Flexible Applications Access allows simple and secure remote access to your Information System.

Flexible Applications Access allows either:

  • Full access to the Information System through an encrypted tunnel
  • Restricted access to certain resources through a web portal

Users are authenticated and access only authorized data with their computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Flexible Applications Access makes your work easier

Ease of use

Users access with their AD credentials, and use their usual office software


Encrypted transactions and access limited to authorized data and users

Online real-time management

Updates of user access rights, add and remove users as needed, usage statistics, etc.

Customized to your needs

Virtual Machine or physical deployment, in your public cloud, in our data centers, or on premises, etc.

No restrictions

Independent of your intranet and internet providers, works with any type of internet connection: 5G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc.

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