Traditional firewalls have been the cornerstone of network security since the dawn of the Internet. Today’s application and threat landscape makes traditional port- or packet-based firewalls for the protection of corporate networks and sensitive data largely ineffective. Communication today takes place via the application level. This brings new advantages and risks. These risks also include a new quality of threats, data leaks and security breaches.
When choosing the right NGFW, it should not be forgotten that the network perimeter is no longer just at the transition from the company network to the Internet. This is not just about network segmentation, i.e. the sensible splitting of the company network into secure sectors with their own access rights and restrictions. The perimeter itself becomes more complex with every mobile device. Simply replacing the legacy firewall is not enough.
Thanks to specialists in various disciplines, the implementation of a next generation firewall does not start and end with a product or hardware. Orange Cyberdefense plans the NGFW as part of the existing IT security concept or works with you to develop a complete security framework in which the NGFW is optimally integrated. This is important because Orange Cyberdefense sees the legacy principle of silo security as outdated. Complete integration with interdisciplinary security topics such as threat search, cloud use and application security and mobile users are also considered.
Through the long-term operation of firewalls in customer environments, Orange Cyberdefense can help its customers who do not have their own or dedicated SOC to operate the security systems by a team of experts or to support the customer’s network team.
What we can do for you:
As an introduction, we offer a firewall security health check that not only tells you which applications in your network are used by whom and to what extent and which data is flowing between the security zones (e.g. into the Internet). You will also find out which cloud services are being used, how and by whom.
For advanced users, we recommend the Policy Acceleration Service – let a team of experienced, certified professionals optimize your NGFW as required. Find out how to get the most out of your firewall!
It doesn’t have to be an acrobatic act to keep the balance between safety and ease of use. We help you to set up your solution so that a safety net is always available. Then your organization is well protected from unpleasant surprises.
The answer to the exciting question which is the best solution to protect your specific network is just a click of the mouse (and a conversation with our experts) away!
Challenge us!Get in touch with a professional and we can discuss which of our services works best for your case!