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Webinar: In the heat of the crisis

Securing next-generation campus networks

The proliferation of IoT devices and the adoption of hybrid work initiatives have resulted in complex, geographically distributed networks with unique visibility and security challenges. Additionally, with organizations accelerating digital transformation to drive business efficiencies, IT teams are facing a growing challenge when it comes to implementing Zero Trust and SASE security frameworks from edge to cloud.

Aruba Dynamic Segmentation is a critical element of the Edge-to-Cloud Security built into Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform). It is based on establishing least privilege access to IT resources by segmenting traffic based on identity and associated access permissions. This is a fundamental concept of both Zero Trust and SASE frameworks, where trust is based on roles and policies and not on where and how a user or endpoint clients such as IoT devices connect.

Dynamic Segmentation unifies role-based access and policy enforcement across wired, wireless, and WAN networks with centralized policy definition, ensuring that users and devices can only communicate with destinations consistent with their role – keeping traffic secure and separate.

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