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The fastest way to Orange Cyberdefense's support service

Customer Portal

Your personal Orange Cyberdefense account gives you access to your support tickets and their history. Use our customer portal to monitor the progress of your tickets and communicate with our support engineers.

Customer Portal


With a service contract, you have 24/7 access to the Orange Cyberdefense Service Desk if you need support.

tel: +32 78 77 00 24

Escalation process

In addition to our team of experts, we also have an escalation team at your disposal. Don't hesitate to contact the escalation team if you are experiencing an issue with a significant impact or you feel your case is not being handled appropriately.

Escalation Brochure

Functionalities of our customer portal: 

World Watch


Our World Watch threat and vulnerability signals service brings you a curated overview of global cybersecurity events.

Vulnerability Watch

Hourly updates of CVE vulnerabilities published by the international vulnerability database enable you to identify potential security weaknesses in your assets.

Case Management

Our case management platform brings our services closer together, allowing our CyberSOCs, SOCs and Service Desks to deliver seamless assistance through one platform.

Advanced Search

Search for support cases using various identifiers, and then save your searches for future use, including the ability to categorize cases through flags to highlight the cases of most interest to you.

Our locations around the world

Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.