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Zero Trust for Healthcare

Recommendations from our Technical Design Authority Kevin Brennan

We all know it is not the question of 'if' but 'when' you will experience a compromise. So, you need to be able to respond quickly and effectively to protect the rest of your network when this happens and, most importantly, your data and reputation. Therefore, healthcare institutions' detection and response posture cannot be neglected.

In general, our healthcare customers usually have the following security controls:

  • The best of breed, next-generation perimeter, and core firewalls
  • A segmented network architecture
  • Behavioral anti-virus
  • Network access control
  • 24 x 7 network monitoring

In short, they already have a significant investment in their environment, but this is not enough anymore. This is where the Zero Trust approach comes in. Zero Trust is not a product; there is no Zero Trust Server, no Zero Trust check box, and no Zero Trust license that solves all challenges. Zero Trust is about using many different overlapping layers of protection in a coordinated way.

Zero Trust approach for healthcare

Our proposal to our healthcare customers is not to go out and buy more hardware or software but to utilize their investments in a more integrated way. You can establish a solid Zero Trust approach by optimally using your existing security controls.

To prove our approach, we have created a demo in which we can integrate your existing technologies. For example, we can leverage the customer's investment in next-generation firewalls to prevent threats from leaving their enterprise and notify the network admission control to isolate the compromised device. In other words, we can stop the crypto locker from downloading instructions from the command & control server and prevent it from spreading further within the network. Alternatively, we can, for example, stop ransomware from uploading images from the compromised radiologist's computer and then move on to the cardiology department.

Of course, this is not an approach limited to the healthcare sector; every vertical can benefit from this: from banking to pharmaceutical, to education, to public bodies.

So, if you want to see how we do this, then sign up for our Zero Trust webinar on June 21, where we will show our demos.
If you do not have the time to attend, you can always download our Guide to implementing Zero Trust.




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