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Save the data

A live ransomware recovery tabletop exercise

Join us and your peers on June 20 at Fort 8 (Outfort) in Hoboken for a fully immersive experience where you will get an end-to-end understanding of what happens in the event of a ransomware attack.

About the Event

Picture this: your organization is under attack. Ransomware has struck, and the fate of your data is in your hands. As a business leader, you will need to make informed risk decisions.

To assist you with this challenge, we will immerse you in a live interactive tabletop exercise. You will be dropped into the middle of an attack story based on real-life events. Together, you will weigh the options and see how your business works through the fallout. In which situations can you end up, which critical decisions will you have to make, and which questions will you be forced to answer?

The ransomware experts of Rubrik, and Orange Cyberdefense will be there to answer your questions and provide guidance as you work through the exercise. 

Our technology partner for the upcoming event:

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