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Markus Nispel


CTO EMEA at Extreme Networks

"Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your new role as CTO of EMEA
Having worked in the telecommunications and networking sector for over 25 years, I have been in the front row observing how the industry and the technology have changed, how customers benefit from those changes, how vendors disrupt and get disrupted, and, more recently, how digital transformation in enterprises has taken off. 

Now, as CTO of EMEA at Extreme Networks – a strategic growth region and an engine for innovation – I’m driving the global office of the CTO thought-leadership activities, as well as heading up the incubator at the Office of the CTO. Triggered by inflections at different points in the market, technology and society, the mission of the incubator is to respond by driving initiatives from ideation through to prototype and, ultimately, MVP."


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