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The true scope and scale of the OT security threat

Factories, transport systems, hospitals, and utilities all depend on Operational Technology - the combination of hardware and software used to control, monitor, and manage physical processes. OT is susceptible to vulnerabilities and compromise just like IT is. As OT and IT have become more converged, and OT itself gets more connected, concerns are growing the Operational Technology that runs the critical physical processes we depend on can be hacked, with potentially devastating consequences. Indeed, there have been several reported attacks in the last few years with several potential disasters narrowly averted. 

The security industry, regulators, and critical infrastructure providers have responded to this new threat with alarm, and several standards, best practices, and security technologies have consequently emerged to counter the problem. As always, these responses are a combination of appropriate due care, hysterical fear-mongering, and cynical profit-seeking. So how serious is the threat?

In this webinar, we will discuss revealing new data, first presented in our 2024 Security Navigator Report, which describes the true scope and scale of the OT security threat. We examine the past and present state of OT hacking incidents. Given a sober analysis of the OT security challenges through the lens of history, data, and crime theory, we speculate on what the future of the threat might look like, and consider how we can prepare for that.

If you're a CISO, risk manager, or engineer with a concern for the security of any cyber-physical systems, join this open discussion with our panel of experts to discuss the past, present, and future of OT security threats!

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Charl van der Walt
Charl van der Walt
Orange CyberdefenseHead of Security Research

Technical thought leader, spokesman and figurehead for Orange Cyberdefense world-wide, leading and managing the OC Security Research Center - a specialist security research unit within the group that helps us fulfill our mission of being a trusted partner to our customers by ensuring that we identify, track, analyze, communicate and act upon significant developments in the security landscape.

Responsible for using that intelligence and the other data, systems and human resources at the group's disposal to make a meaningful contribution of data and knowledge to the global security community.

The Security Research Center supports the OC mission by providing systems, data, intelligence and material that enable sound decision making by other group units driving growth, demonstrate our knowledge, experience and skill to all our internal and external stakeholders, and ensuring consistency between the messages we portray outwardly and the way our products and services are designed and delivered internally.

Jeroen Wijnands
Orange CyberdefenseOT Security Lead
Nicolas Pairoux
Orange CyberdefenseOT SOC Team Leader
Ric Derbyshire
Orange CyberdefenseSenior Security Researcher
Simone Kraus
Orange CyberdefenseSenior CSIRT Analyst

Simone Kraus, eine erfahrene IT-Sicherheitsexpertin, ist seit 2001 in der Branche tätig. Nach einer Ausbildung zur IT-Systemkauffrau, studierte sie Wirtschaftsinformatik und spezialisierte sich bereits im Studium auf die SAP-Beratung. Im Jahr 2013 verließ sie die IT vorübergehend und erkundete Rollen als Triathletin, Fitnesstrainerin und „Civilian on the Battlefield“ (COB) für die US-Army und die Bundeswehr. Ihre Leidenschaft für IT-Sicherheit führte sie zurück, weshalb sie als DFIR-Beraterin began und wechselte im Juni 2022 zu Orange Cyberdefense, wo sie bis heute als Security Analystin das DARC Team unterstützt. Simones Rolle umfasst die Reaktion auf Vorfälle in beiden OT-Bereichen und IT-Umgebungen mit vielseitigen Fähigkeiten im Bereich „MITRE-Erkennung“ sowie "Detection Engineering“ und Bedrohungsmodellierung. Mit über zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung ist Simone Kraus eine wertvolle Bereicherung im sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Bereich der Cybersecurity.

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