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Ethical Hacking

Detecting vulnerabilities before the bad guys do

Security assessments deal with facts not opinions and provide you with vital decision making information.


Penetration testing is a security assessment where vulnerabilities are found and exploited, safely, to see the impact a real attack could have.

Ethical hacking is not simply an aggregate of different types of assessments: it is the actions organisations take to pro-actively identify vulnerabilities in their security posture which would give rise to business risk.

When you need facts about the actual state of your security, our security assessments can help. Whether it’s understanding and emulating what a real threat actor could do in your environment, or a scientific and thorough enumeration of all potential vulnerabilities in an application or network – our SensePostTeam can help.

Our research-lead approach means that our teams are on the cutting edge of their field and can be evaluated by their public research contributions through papers, tooling, and conference presentations.

A critical part of our business is our hacking training facility, which we deliver via SensePost, the specialist pen-testing arm of Orange Cyberdefense.

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Ethical Hacking in a nutshell offers:

Facts about the actual state of your security



Comprehensive and flexible approaches specific to your goals

A senior and experienced team available

Regular public research contributors

Tailored ethical hacking capabilities for your needs

Which one is for you?


Cloud security assessment


Application assessment


External infrastructure assessment


Internal infrastructure assessment

Red teaming assessment


Mobile assessment


Security consulting


SensePost Hacking trainings

The art of network and application exploitation



A critical part of our business is our hacking training facility, which we deliver via SensePost, the specialist pen testing arm of Orange Cyberdefense.

Our hacking training courses have taught thousands of students about the art of offensive and defensive approaches. Understand how hackers think, the tools, tactics and techniques they use. Our course presents technical skills and basic concepts required to those desiring a foundation in the world of information security.

Our courses are developed from the work we perform for clients so that you get a better understanding of how to exploit real-world scenarios. As one of Black Hat briefings longstanding training partners, our courses have taught thousands of students about the art of offensive and defensive approaches.

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