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Cyber Crisis management

To the unexpected, find strength through unity

Cyber crisis is not only an “IT issue”, it impacts the entire organization. By engaging all stakeholders, you get buy-in, improve decision making and readiness.

The importance of being prepared

$2.46 million* can be saved by oganizations if they have incident response (IR) capabilities and extensive testing of their response plans.

The importance of mobilizing the entire company

Many people in the organization are involved when it comes to cyber crisis management.The board, the CISO or the operational experts each have a role to play in the preparation of a crisis, whether it is strategic, economic or operational.

​*Source: Ponemon Institute – Cost of a Data Breach Report - 2021

A holistic approach to strengthen your security posture

We address the cyber crisis in its temporality: before, during and after. Also in its multi-dimensional aspect:  business, processes, tools and human expertise.
The objective: bring cybersecurity and business closer together at every stage of the crisis

Before the crisis

Preparation is the key to victory

Protecting the organization from risks, costs, and damage resulting from an incident—and strengthen the organization’s defenses for the future. We can help to:

  • Anticipate and be better prepared with support in building the crisis management policy, setting up operational processes and addressing gaps in your current response & recovery capabilities.
  • Identify your security vulnerabilitieswith real world assessments.
  • Stay informed about the vulnerabilities impacting your information systems in real-time and keep you up to date on the patches to be applied.
  • Implement a managed detection and response service thanks to our MDR buyer's guide.
Learn how to be prepared against a ransomware

During the crisis

Respond efficiently in line with defined plans

Responding to the different stages of the crisis from both technical and operational aspects and reduce its impact. We can help you to:

Watch how financial players deal with ransomware

After the crisis

Restore and prepare for the next crisis

Restoring operations, rebuild if needed, and identify the right actions to sustainably strengthen the resilience of your organization. We can help you to:

  • Develop an IT recovery plan focused on data backup and restoration of electronic information.
  • Limit cyber risks while accompanying you in the use of new digital technologies in accordance with your strategic objectives.

Our unique assets and capabilities

Global approach

Comprehensive guidance before, during and after a cyber crisis.

Market recognition

We are listed by Gartner as Representative Vendor for Digital Forensics and Incident Response services.

Experience in the field

Frequency and variety of cyber crisis resolution: size, verticals, maturity levels…

Intelligence-led approach

Unique threat intelligence via 500+ private & public sources to help you anticipate and make good decisions

Multi-disciplinary team

From Research to Cyber-security experts (CSIRT, forensics) & Consulting experts (business advisory, legal, communications…)

Our CSIRT in figures

400+ Engagements in 2023
23 Dedicated Digital Forensics and Incidence Reponse experts (DFIR)
90 Additional DFIR resources 


Incident Response Hotline

Facing cyber incidents right now?

Contact our 24/7/365 world wide service incident response hotline.