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Network Security

Maintaining a secure network is a complex exercise requiring accurate configuration of security devices as well as ongoing monitoring of the device’s performance.

Secure networks also require the ongoing logging of activity and regular testing for threats and exploitable weaknesses as part of a robust vulnerability management program.

Orange Cyberdefense’s 24x7x365 ASOC technicians, backed by our SensePost elite ethical hackers, maintain constant vigilance over client’s security devices to ensure that networks are functioning optimally with maximum security.

• Ongoing protection & availability: Ongoing 24×7 monitoring of security device performance ensures maximum security and accessibility without the expense of additional internal resources.

• Real-time alerting: Logging of network activity with alerting of suspicious events allows rapid detection of potential threats.

• Improved vulnerability management: Regular testing and scanning of public-facing and internal infrastructure offers prioritised vulnerabilities to be addressed to avoid compromise.

Services we offer:

• Security assessments
• Managed vulnerability scanning

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Incident Response Hotline

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